Working bibliography for projects on Metamodernism. This is not intended to be a comprehensive bibliography of all things with the label  “metamodernism” as the term is being used in different ways outside of the research focus for this bibliography. Decisions made on which sources to include are based on my own research and the sources’ contributions to the scholarship that pertains to the description of Metamodernism as a structure of feeling/cultural sensibility. 

***Suggestions of sources for consideration are welcomed:

Peer Reviewed Articles

Baciu, C., Bocoş, M., & Baciu-Urzică, C. (2015). Metamodernism – A Conceptual Foundation. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences209(C), 33–38.

Bentley, N. (2018). Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas , Zadie Smith’s NW , and the Metamodern. English Studies, 99 (7), 723–743.

Bockmann, M. (2023). Faith, Doubt, and Disbelief: Preaching undeconstructible truth in a metamodern context. International Journal of Homiletics, 6(1), 23–36.

Brunton, J. (2018). Whose (Meta)modernism?: Metamodernism, race, and the politics of failure. Journal of Modern Literature41(3), 60–76.

Ceriello, L. C. (2022). The Metamodern Bend: Theorizations for religious studies and a review of Metamodernism: Historicity, Affect, and Depth After Postmodernism. Religious Studies Review.

Clasquin-Johnson, M. (2017). Towards a metamodern academic study of religion and a more religiously informed metamodernism. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 73(3), 11.

Corsa, A. (2018). Grand narratives, Metamodernism, and Global Ethics. Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy14(3), 241–272.

Drayton, T. (2019). A silent shout: Metamodern forms of activism in contemporary performance. ArtsPraxis, 5(2), 169-184.

Eve, M. (2012). Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and the problems of “Metamodernism”: Post-millennial post-postmodernism? C21 Literature, 1, 7-25.

Farmer, M. (2015). “Cloaked in, like, fifteen layers of irony: The metamodernist sensibility of “Parks and Recreation”. Studies in Popular Culture, 37(2), 103-120.

Fox, M. (2019). Alison Bechdel’s fun home: Queer futurity and the metamodernist memoir. Modern Fiction Studies, 65(3), 511-537. http://doi:10.1353/mfs.2019.0032      

Gibbons, A. (2021). Metamodernism, the Anthropocene, and the Resurgence of Historicity: Ben Lerner’s 10:04 and “The Utopian Glimmer of Fiction.” Critique, 62(2), 137–151.  (added 2/21)

Gibbons, A. (2015). “Take that you intellectuals!” and “kaPOW!”: Adam Thirlwell and the metamodernist future of style. Studia Neophilologica, 87(sup1), 29-43.

Gibbons, A., Vermeulen, T., & van den Akker, R. (2019). Reality beckons: Metamodernist depthiness beyond panfictionality. European Journal of English Studies, 23(2), 172-189.   

James, D., & Seshagiri, U. (2014). Metamodernism: Narratives of continuity and revolution. PMLA. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America129(1), 87–100.

Kadagishvili, D. (2013). Metamodernism as we perceive it.(QUICK REVIEW)(Report). European Scientific Journal2 SE.

Kersten, D., & Wilbers, U. (2018). Introduction: Metamodernism. English Studies99(7), 719–722.

Knudsen, S. (2016). Beyond postmodernism: putting a face on metamodernism without the easy cliches. Art Pulse Magazine, 25(7), 66–69.

Lavery, N. (2018). Consciousness and the extended mind in the “metamodernist” novel. English Studies, 99(7), 755-765.

Ondrak, J. (2018). Spectres des monstres: Post-postmodernisms, hauntology and creepypasta narratives as digital fiction. Horror Studies, 9(2), 161-178.

Piro, J. S. (2018). Integral education within metamodernism. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1455-1456.

Radchenko, S. (2020).  “Metamodern gaming: Literary analysis of The Last of Us.” Interlitteraria, 25(1),  246–259. doi:10.12697/IL.2020.25.1.20.

Šnircová, S. (2021). Metamodern sensibility in Jenni Fagan’s “The Waken.” Brno Studies in English47(1), 243–254.

Šporčič, A. (2022). A Metamodernist Utopia: The neo-romantic sense and sensibility of the Bridgerton series. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Film and Media Studies22(1), 122–138.

Stoev, D. (2022). Metamodernism or Metamodernity. Arts11(5), 91.

Vermeulen, T., & van den Akker, R. (2010). Notes on metamodernism. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture2(1).

Vermeulen, T., & van den Akker, R. (2015). Utopia, sort of: A case study in metamodernism. Studia Neophilologica, 87, 55-67.

Yousef, T. (2018). Metamodernism poetics and its manifestations in Billy Collins’s “My hero”. International Journal of Language and Literature, 6(1).

Special Issues 

In Focus: Metamodernism, (2013), American Book Review34 (4),

Metamodernism, (2018), English Studies, 99 (7),


Ceriello, Linda C.. “Metamodern Mysticisms: Narrative encounters with contemporary western secular spiritualities.” (2018) Diss., Rice University.

Dumitrescu, A. E. (2014). Towards a Metamodern Literature (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago.

Books and Book Chapters

Ceriello, L. (2018). The big bad and the big “aha!:” Metamodern monsters as transformational figures of instability. In M. Heyes (Ed.), Holy monsters, sacred grotesques (pp. 207-233). Lexington Books.

Ceriello, L. C. (2018). Toward a metamodern reading of spiritual but not religious mysticisms. In W. Parsons (Ed.), Being spiritual but not religious (pp. 200-218) Routledge.

Ceriello, L. & Dember, G. (2019). The right to a narrative: Metamodernism, paranormal horror, and agency in The Cabin in the Woods.  In D. Caterine &J. W. Morehead (Eds.) The Paranormal and Popular Culture A Postmodern Religious Landscape, Routledge.

Jones, S. (2024). The metamodern slasher film. Edinburgh University Press.

Higgs, J. (2019). The metamodern generation (4) in The future starts here : Adventures in the twenty-first century (pp. 119-166). Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

Hill, V. J. (2020). Metamodernism and changing literacy: Emerging research and opportunities. IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3534-9. 

Nevins, J. (2017). The evolution of the costumed avenger : The 4,000-year history of the superhero. The evolution of the costumed avenger : The 4,000-year history of the superhero (pp. 270-275), Praeger.

Pederson, J. (2012). Metamodernism in fashion and style practice: Authorship and the consumer. In Brownie B., Pettican L. & Reponen, J. (Eds.) Fashion: Exploring Critical Issues (pp. 121-130) Inter-Disciplinary Press. 

Rowland, A. (2021). Metamodernism and contemporary British poetry. Cambridge University Press.

Shenton, A. (2017). For whom the bells toll: Arvo pärt’s passio, metamodernism and the appealing promise of tintinnabulation. In R. Sholl, S. van Maas & ASCA (Eds.), Contemporary music and spirituality (pp. 17-36) http://doi:10.4324/9781315573892

Undheim, S. (2019). Made up prophecies: Metamodern play with religion, spirituality and monomyth in the LEGO Universe. In R.C. Haines & S.R. Mazzarella (Eds.), Cultural studies of LEGO : More than just bricks (pp 97-2021). Palgrave Macmillan.

Vermeulen, T. & van den Akker, R. (2011). Metamodernism, history, and the story of Lampe. In R. MagShamhráin, & S.  Strümper-Krobb (Eds.), Yearbook of the association of third-level teachers of German in Ireland, Hartung-Gorre.

van den Akker, R., Gibbons, A., & Vermeulen, T. (2017). Metamodernism : historicity, affect, and depth after postmodernism .Rowman & Littlefield International.

van den Akker, R., Gibbons, A., Vermeulen, T. (2019). Metamodernism: Period, structure of feeling, and cultural logic – A case study in contemporary autofiction. In Askin, R., Beckman, F. and Rudrum, D (Eds.), New directions in philosophy and literature (pp. 41-54) Edinburgh University Press.  

Vermeulen, T. (2018). Metamodernism. In Braidotti, R & Hlavajova, M (Eds.), Posthuman Glossary (pp.256-258) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.  

Web/Electronic Articles (selection)

Anderson, K. (2020). “Brand Twitter” begets Metamodern Meat? What is      Metamodern?:

Ceriello, L. (2020). Metamodernism, Russell Brand and spiritual-but-not-religious soteriology., retrieved from

Dember, G. (2019). After postmodernism: Eleven metamodern methods in the arts., retrieved from

Dempsey, B. (2014). [Re]construction: Metamodern ‘Transcendence’ and the return of myth. Notes on Metamodernism.

Hemingway, T. (2018). Irony, control, and distance in The Life Aquatic with Steve, retrieved from

Leung, S. (2014). Literature review – notes on metamodernism.

Pappis, K. (2019). Back to sincerity, hope, and love: Metamodernism in sci-fi.

Turner, L. (2015). Metamodernism: A brief introduction. Notes on Metamodernism.

Weil, Elizabeth. 2019. “What do teenagers learn online today? That identity is a work in progress.” The New York Times (November 29, 2019).

Vermeulen, T., & van den Akker, R.  (2015). Misunderstandings and clarifications. Notes on Metamodernsim.


Notes on Metamodernism:

Metamodernist Manifesto:

What is Metamodern?: